For a transfer to another institution, please contact your institution where the account will be transferred and initiate the process with them. They will assist you and provide you with a transfer form to fill out. Please ensure that the relinquishing institution is completed on the transfer form as below, otherwise the request will be rejected. You (or your institution) will also send the request directly to CI Investment Services Inc.
Relinquishing institution:
CI Investment Services Inc.
C/O Account Transfers
15 York Street, 7th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5J 0A3
Fax: 1-416-288-8611
Aton eligible transfers may take up to 10 business days after the request was received at the custodian. For manual transfers that are not ATON eligible, transfers may take up to 6 weeks to be processed. CI Direct Investing does not charge any fees to transfer out your accounts.